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Showing posts from May, 2017

Winter Goals

Well, the colder weather is here. I am one of those people who love the sun and the beach. I never used to look forward to winter. Until I reframed winter in my mind. Winter can be a powerful time to refuel and think about what you would like to be doing when summer rolls around again. What could you put in action right now that could lead to a summer goal being achieved? I tend to look at winter as sowing the seeds. So, in the winter I usually take the time to do some study. What is it you could be doing during winter?  maybe you could be working towards something you have always wanted to achieve? If you are setting up a new goal, think about exactly what it is you want to achieve. Once you have figured that out, ask yourself what is the reality right now with that goal? Can it be achieved now? Is it part way achieved?  Once you know where you are the going with this goal, do a brainstorm.  Try not to think or analyse your ideas too much. Just let the idea...

If you could do anything, what would you do?

Imagine you could do anything in the world right now?   What would you do? Phone/Text  027 978 5970 Facebook Kim McNamara Life Success Coach Email - Skype - kim.motv8n