When we went into the first lockdown, I thought about how I would stay positive and focused on the things I wanted to do. I decided to do an order online (as most of us did) and order a corflute and a cup that reminded me of things I needed to continue to do. I thought about the words I needed to the corflute and came up with the below. Dream - we all have a dream, right? so lets live it. Believe - if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible Succeed - if we dream and believe, then we will follow through and succeed. Journaling, that important time of the day when you reflect and think. Meditation - that time when we are just still and let our creative idea come through. The rest we all need. Vibration - the reminder to watch my vibration and make sure I am around those amazing uplifting people. Intention - something I set every day, what do I want to get out of my day, not just rolling through but a conscious intent. Celebrate - the amazing time that I get to celebrate b...
Kim McNamara Building On-line businesses