Monday 28 September 2020

When we went into the first lockdown, I thought about how I would stay positive and focused on the things I wanted to do.
I decided to do an order online (as most of us did) and order a corflute and a cup that reminded me of things I needed to continue to do.
I thought about the words I needed to the corflute and came up with the below.
Dream - we all have a dream, right? so lets live it.
Believe - if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible
Succeed - if we dream and believe, then we will follow through and succeed.
Journaling, that important time of the day when you reflect and think.
Meditation - that time when we are just still and let our creative idea come through. The rest we all need.
Vibration - the reminder to watch my vibration and make sure I am around those amazing uplifting people.
Intention - something I set every day, what do I want to get out of my day, not just rolling through but a conscious intent.
Celebrate - the amazing time that I get to celebrate big and little wins, or just being.
Share the magic - my favourite, we all have magic inside us, we all have gifts to share, and by sharing our magic, we help others, we ignite them by leading by example, by shining our own light.
What is your magic?
Feel free to share x

Friday 25 September 2020

High Profit, High Impact, Life on your own terms

I remember thinking it was hard work giving up that extra income while being home while raising kids. Frecking hard work.
It was one of those things that I had deep inside me that I wanted to stay at home with my children and be there for significant things.
There was that internal conflict of being at home but holding the family back financially.
I worked hard at home when I had time and started to build my business.
I did lots of one on one coaching when I could and also taught at night schools, I had a "Success coaching" classes for many years.
Then a light went on when technology got better, it became much easier to impact many more people through using technology.
It has become much easier now to live a passion and have a great figure result to go with it.
Now that my business has grown even more,  I needed to get things more automated, more streamlined, I got sick of trading time to make a living.
Lockdown was a blessing to me, as it gave me more time to work from home and stream line things, automate things, use technology to its best.
It also enabled me to open several on line enterprises.
My values are important so I was not going to give them up.
I want to have time to enjoy my family and the outdoors, my two passions.
What ever I chose needed to be time efficient, good for the planet and with a group of people on such a cool vibration that they love and uplift each other. I wasn't interested in any BS and competition.
Success is easy, but success in alignment to my values and having a tribe routing for me to do my best and expand out of my comfort zone is priceless.
If you are interested in a side hustle by,
Using a high profit,
high Impact item
That helps create a business on your own terms. If any of this resonates with you, check out the complimentary PDF.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Time Lines - can they affect you?

Hey Mammas,
I would love to tell you about the day I walked my time line.
Trust me it was pretty hard.
There are parts of my time line that were dark and dreary.
About 15 years ago I first walked my timeline, it was a little frightening, the good parts were good, but the bad parts were bad.
Even though it wasn't nice going through the bad parts, it was very empowering having gone back to explore stuff. 
I remember walking my timeline and coming up to almost the biggest brick wall I could find, it would have been easy to find the wall and turn around and come back to the present and never look back.  But I didn't want to. I went back to the present and then decided I would return another day to face the wall again.
As I delved into my timeline, I got triggered, and then questioned myself.
I thought I am creating a cycle of hardship for my family, but not dealing with this crap?
Each time I had walked my timeline it got easier.
First few times I walked it, it was the massive life experiences that stopped me, as I moved through that, over time it became easier.
One thing that I was missing was more people that understood my need to revisit the past, and deal with the stuff that was holding me back in my own life.
I knew past stuff was holding me back, and I knew that I was capable of more in life, and I knew that if I could take the cloud away I would achieve massive things. I also knew that my thought patterns were making me sick and causing unnecessary anxiety and fear.
Each time I tried to go the next level up in life, another cloud would come over, and again I knew it was time to clear some more.
I walk my time line weekly now, I revisit anything that needs to be dealt with. What I was missing was a like minded community of people around me, people who understood my plight, to help others, but I learnt that I had to help myself first.
Because of the massive support like minded people brought me, it filled me with good vibes, self esteem, full of a can do attitude.
Times can be tough, there is no doubt about it, but for me having had the support to clear the negative, created the space and freedom to do what I dream of everyday.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Effective communication is key

We can all agree that communication is key, but it sometimes goes wrong.
I remember thinking I was great at communicating until I did an NLP course 15 odd years ago.  I had quite an awakening and realised that I wasn't that great at communicating at all. I probably liked to tell people my story and my version of things, according to my model of the world.
Since then I have made it one of my personal development learnings for myself to continue to up level myself around communication. Effective communication is key.
In business this can be so damaging, if you get communication wrong. 
Here are three tips.
1. Think about what it is your want to communicate. What message are you trying to get across to staff.
2. What mindset are you in? Have you had a bad morning and feeling ticked off? If so, it is probably not a good time to start communicating something important to someone.
3.What mindset are they in? Is it possible you need to think about your timing,  your pitch to them, so you can build maximum rapport so you can smoothly get your message across.
Communication is key and it can either enhance or damage relationships.
If this interests you and you would like more tips, feel free to email me and I will send you more.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

How to get paid high commissions.

Have you ever had one of those situations where someone catches your eye,
and you think, wow, what an inspiration.
Today it is so easy to follow people on social media, and watch from afar what someone is up to.
I did this, as I am always looking to find someone inspiring, someone motivating, also keen to learn and look ahead.
I started followed Serena, and I was taken in, mainly by her energy and watching her follow her dreams and create a life in line with her values (something very important to me). 
Family first
I have been blessed to be following Serena for some time now, and her teachings and many more within an amazing community have changed how I do things.
I always knew what my "why" was. Why did I do the things I did, but maybe I wasn't always truthful to my why and didn't always show up with the right attitude to create abundance.
If this resonates with you,
maybe you want a dose of magic dropped into your life right now,
register for this amazing webinar, email me for link
September10th, 9.30 NZ time
Discover 3 steps to
creating freedom, money and impact.