As soon as you become a mum, life as you know it is gone.
Washing, dishes, feeding the tribe, house work, school drop off, school homework and
then full cycle of doing it all again.
One of the things I have always loved is to learn new things, I can remember that baby
brain feeling, and then after that the feeling of just wanting to do adult stuff again, talk to
adults and for me I wanted to learn more things and make money.
I started my personal development years ago, I always liked the idea of learning about
myself and about others.
I then decided against what seemed like all odds to start a business that worked around
my children, I didn't want to lose time with them, I wanted both, to work on something
I was passionate about and show up for all the kids events and be the mum who dropped
the kids to school and picked them up.
I worked hard while the kids were at school and then relaxed when they got home. It was
a win win.
I have always been on the look out on how to simplify this even more, working less hours
for more return and being able to do my own thing during the day like the bush walks I love
to do
You know the other thing I struggled with,
was finding like minded people, people who want to live in a high vibe state and not be
dragged down.
I remember going on trainings and I loved it and then when I left the training room I felt
like I had left the tribe.
I wanted that feeling of those high vibe people around me more,
you know those people,
who inspire, who hold you accountable on your dreams, who uplift you and believe in you
more than you do at times.
I found that tribe, I love them, and with that came the opportunity to be part of a fantastic
online community building an authentically you on line business.
There is so much uncertainty in the world and I love that I have different ways of having
streams of income.
If this resonates with you, click on the link below. Nothing to lose, lots to gain.