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Showing posts from 2015

Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings to all... December is such a busy time of year. As the year draws to an end, it can have positive and negative feelings around it. Be kind to yourself and be realistic about what you can and can't achieve this festive season. Enlist the help of others if you need it, people are often happy to help if they know what you need. Try to be in the moment and enjoy time with family and friends. Avoid being the one running around, stressed out, trying to please everyone !! Next year is a whole new year, a time to achieve whatever your heart desires. What are your dreams for next year ? Take care and stay safe this festive season Kim and family Check out our new website Kim McNamara "Life Coaching" "Success Coaching" "Motivation to Succeed Coaching" "MOTV8N to Succeed" MOTV8N Email -    Skype -...

What is your Dream?

Have you ever had a dream? Is it close or far away? What will you need to do to make this dream become a reality? What is the reality around this dream right now? Is it toooo big, or toooo far away, or toooo complex to even know where to begin? Is there someone out there doing something similar?  Is there someone out there that you could ask some advice from? Is there some research you could be doing? Is there a network you could be building to get you closer to your dream? Is there different options you can take to start feeling your way around this dream? IS THERE SOMETHING YOU COULD DO TODAY TO MOVE YOU ONE STEP CLOSER... Kim McNamara Email - Skype - kim.motv8n Facebook Kim McNamara Life Success Coach

Work/Life Balance

It is hard for some of us these days to get a good work/life balance. How do you juggle all the things you need to do, in the time you have? Life is busy, but does it need to be as busy as we are making it? Are all the things on your "To do list" actually things that need to be done, or could some of them just be your personality type or programming, telling you that you MUST do all these things. We can all get caught up in life and get caught up being busy. A useful exercise is to write down where all your times goes.  Just keep a note for a week or so, and see where you times goes. Then think about your values and what is important to you.  More than likely there will be things on your list that you need to do, and things that you probably might not need to do or you can delegate. Think carefully about your list.  The great thing about making a list is you actually see where your times goes.  Time is one of those things that we can waste...

Success, What is it ?

The world "Success" gets thrown around a lot. What is success? Have you ever stopped to think about your own meaning of Success? We can get badgered by subliminal advertising which is telling us what we need to do and own to be successful.  But by who's standards? Our own personal success needs to be inline with our values.  If we don't honour our values, then goals and ambitions we have will be bitter sweet when we achieve them. Our values are our true self.  If we listen to what others perceive as successful, it might not be in line with our personal/ family values. Set your goals according to your values, believe you already are successful and life will become a lot more simple. Forget what the Jones are up to next door or down the road, and live according to your values and your ambitions. Check out our new website Kim McNamara Email - Skype - kim.motv8n https:/...


Have you ever been in one of those situations when change is about to happen? It can feel exciting, it can feel scary. Whatever our perspective on the change, will be why we see it as a positive or a negative. Change is an exciting time, it is a time for new growth, new adventures and a different way of doing things. While we can get caught up wanting to stay doing what we have always done, there isn't very much growth there. Have you ever been on holiday, and experienced such rich experiences, you come home, you tell you friends and family all about it, and then after you come of your "holiday high" you realise everything is just as it was before you went. With those thoughts in your mind, change can be the exciting and positive experience waiting for you. What will you learn?  Who will you meet?  What rich life experiences might come of this experience. Go for it .... Check out our new website Kim McNamara ...

Work/Life Balance

We all get busy at times. While trying to provide for ourselves and families we can often get locked into a work work lifestyle. Time Management is really important.  Often people will tell me they don't have time to relax as they are always too busy. A great idea is to map out what your "busy" is. What do you spend your time doing?  When we write down what we do everyday, we might end up surprised at where our time goes. Balance is all about getting more of an even keel on life. I invite you to write down where all your time goes. Make a list of your key values. When you find our where all your times goes, check in and see if you time is going to the things you most value. If not it might be time to have a look at where your time is going. Most of us work and that is a fact of life.  Getting the right balance doesn't mean when we are not working we have to have a lavish lifestyle and spend lots of our hard earned money. Get back to the simple things i...

Believe in Yourself

Life is precious and life is short.  As you get older you realise how fast time flies by.  We can often look back and wonder where did time go. With that in mind, it is important to use our time wisely now. I know myself I look back and think, why didn't I just go ahead and do what I wanted.  And my answer will be, my lack of self belief was enough to make me not want to carry through on my vision. As I have got older, I have realised, you get "one shot" at life .  Life can be short. I myself lost a good friend when I was 18yrs old. And as the years have gone by, others around me, my same age have passed away from various things. So, it poses the question, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  What is it you want to be doing? To have a low self esteem and a low belief in yourself isn't nice at all. I think in life at some stage we have all been there.  But there comes a  point of power, when you choose whether to carry on the way you are goin...

Positives and Negatives

As we all know in life, to every down is an up and to every negative there lies a positive. To hold a positive attitude on life, can hold huge benefits for your well being, and the same can be said that by holding negative attitudes can make us feel terrible and can create illnesses for us. Some people tend to get in that cycle of being negative, and getting critical of those around them for no better benefit that to make themselves feel better.  It is hard work when you are on the end of these people, but really the best idea is to distant yourself away from them. They will probably run themselves into the ground unfortunately. Sometimes it is worth having a distance and surrounding yourself instead with like minded people. You  know those people, the ones who stand proud, who wave out to you, who are pleased to see you, who have a smile on their face and who love to find out how you are and how things are going for you. Those people uplift you, leave the negative peo...

Reflection and Review

How often do you stop and reflect? We can get so busy in life that we go one from thing to another, never taking time to reflect on life, on what we have done and on what we might want to do in the future. It is worth blocking out some time on your calender to do just that.  Block out some time, and think about how things are going,  What are your goals and visions?  Are the things you are doing daily moving you closer to those goals and visions, or moving you further away. If you don't take time to reflect and review, a large amount of time might pass which you may regret later on.  If you reflect often, then you can make changes along the way. Kim McNamara "Life Coaching" "Success Coaching" "Motivation to Succeed Coaching" "MOTV8N to Succeed" MOTV8N Email -    Skype - kim.motv8n


Some times we get so caught up in day to day living, we forget to appreciate all that is around us. Day to day life can be busy, rushing from one thing to another.  It is really important to stop and smell the roses, and take stock and consciously think about all those things that we are grateful for. Life is precious, there are no re-runs, so it makes sense to put a huge amount of time into those things that really matter. Email - Skype - kim.motv8n


Have you ever thought about the baggage you are carrying around.  Some people are really good at having a great perspective on life events and then some of us struggle letting some things go.                                                                                                                                                                       If something is taking our attention, then it is worth seeing whether it is a positive or a negative.  Imagine you have a a number of bags in front of you. The bags represented the main things that tend ...

Belief and Passion

What is it you love to do?  What is that one thing that you can spend forever on and it not bore you? If you had all the time, money, resources and connections, what would you be doing?   These are excellent questions to ask yourself when you are trying to find out your passion in life. When something excites us a lot, we excel in it and we can never spend too much time doing it. So what is your passion? When you find your passion, you don't mind spending hours doing research or putting your time to it. For the sake of your heart and soul it is well  worth booking in a time slot to allow yourself to follow what you love. Sometimes we have do to research, like I did with my Life Coaching.  A great skill is to learn to put yourself out there , and ask people that are doing the same thing.  Never be afraid to ask questions of someone who has mastered a skill that you would like to have.  They might have some great advice and might be able to tell you...

Perception - How do you percieve life to be ?

Life can be a bit of a roller coaster at times, and learning to take the good with the bad can be quite a skill.  Some people can take knock after knock and still come up smiling, while others take every knock really hard.  A good thing to look at is our perception of life.   If we perceive life to be hard and a struggle, if often can be.  There are many people out there who struggle all the time, but will readily have a smile on their faces and offer a helping hand even though they are struggling. Perception is key.  How do you perceive life?  If we believe that we are hard done by, then every event that comes along will play to that perception.  If we believe life is good, then often it will seem much better. We often hear people talking about the power of positive thinking , but does it really work? Things will happen in life to all of us , good and bad.  It is how we handle these situations that matters.  If we get i...

Welcome to 2015, Let us make it the best year yet.

Happy New Year to you all.  It is hard to believe how quickly the days, months and years roll by.  How was 2014 for you? Hopefully it was a good year for you.  What would you like 2015 to hold?   We all have goals and dreams, some we achieve and some we just don't. Sometimes we can get caught up in the thought the dreams are for others. I truly believe that if someone out there is doing what I want to do, then why can't I.  Often what stops us are our self limiting beliefs.  Sometimes we can hold a fear of failure, so it is easier not to try because we might fail, and who wants to fail.  Let us change our meaning of failure, failure is merely feedback.  Every time something doesn't work out the way we think, we learn not to do it that way, so we try another way.  Failure can be very useful and maybe try changing the wording to feedback. I believe Success is a Birth Right. Every one has a right to be successful. Success is a...