Manifesting. Abundance. Connections.
One thing all of us need is connections. We need connections to feel safe, to grow, to love and to feel connected to someone or something else.
One of my beliefs is that if we can always give someone 5 minutes of your time. In that 5 minutes of genuinely giving someone your time and attention, connections can be made. The secret to this strategy is to have good boundaries so that you don't become the person who has to listen to everyone's story over and over and it become draining on yourself.
Most people wouldn't be able to tell you the last time someone took a straight 5 minutes to listen and communicate without other distraction. Yet this form of communication is the most important.
In that 5 minutes you could have unknowingly been someone's light house, someone could have been having the worst day ever, and your kindness of just listening, talking and being there 100% just for 5 minutes can change the protectory of their day, and the flipside might happen when it could change the protectory of your day. A simple smile and gesture of being willing to listen.
Sometimes we think we have don't have time and some situations will present that we truly don't have time, but on the other side of that most of us find time to senselessly scroll and watch TV. That interaction with another human is going to fill your emotional wellbeing cup up far more than scrolling or TV.
Another amazing thing that comes from this 5 minute interaction is opportunities. Sometimes being kind, and taking the time, unbeknown to you, you have just passed a 5 minute interview where someone's then says something like,
I have been looking for ....., would you be interested in helping me out?
I know someone who might need your help.
Are you looking for a job, we could use someone like you.
Have you ever thought about doing ..... you would be great at that.
I saw on social media someone was looking for what you offer.
or it could be,
thank you for taking the time to chat to me, you don't have how down I am, and you have made me day.
....gosh we were meant to met because that conversation just helped me make a decision.
...I was praying for someone to talk to, and here you are in front of me
I have spent some time teaching our kids the power of the 5 minute conversation, when mums been a life coach all their lives, some stuff sticks and some stuff passes by them.
Unbeknown to us, an incredible opportunity presented the other day, I started the conversation, and before you know it the opportunities were poured out in front of one of our kids.
Coming away rather chuffed, I said, there it is , the power of the 5 minute conversation.
Being able to genuinely be you and be able to listen and talk to people on their level can often present so many opportunities for both, we need to take our shutters off and open ourselves to the world, as there are all the infinite opportunities, that is our playground to manifest and create the abundance we desire.
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