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Showing posts from March, 2023

Step into abundance - complimentary webinar - Life Success Coach

We would all like to step into abundance ... but do we even know what that means? what that looks like? and HOW do you create abundance. Click on the link below for your complimentary webinar ... Step into abundance webinar  

Online buiness facts - Life Success Coach

Join our complimentary webinar about how you can successfully start your own online business.  

Money Mindset - Life Success Coach

Join our complimentary webinar where you can see how to overcome those old patterns and create your own successful online buisness.  

Time management tips - Life Success Coach

Use a to do list or an appointment book Writing down the things you need to do has a number of benefits. It helps you not forget anything, it also reduces stress by giving your head the space  to drop your mental checklist. Prioritise your tasks Compete the most important, then do the quickest tasks. If you have a few "to do's" that will only take five minutes, get them done and out of the way. Big tasks can be broken down. Its easy to feel overwhelmed when you have big jobs in front of you. Breaking bigjobs into small peices helps you get started. Limit distractions What are your distractions?  distractions such as social media or TV. Allow time to finish tasks but also allow down time for the things you enjoy. Make sure you prioritise whats important first though. If you  cant limit your distractions, then move away from them Have boundaries between work and play,  turning your phone off,  be somewhere where the distractions are around.  Give yourself tim...

Money Mindset - Life Success Coach

Create your own online business busting through those money beliefs. Enjoy your complimentary webinar  

What is your dream? Life Success Coach - Online Business

Have you ever had a dream? Is it close or far away? What will you need to do to make this dream become a reality? What is the reality around this dream right now? Is it toooo big, or toooo far away, or toooo complex to even know where to begin? Is there someone out there doing something similar?  Is there someone out there that you could ask some advice from? Is there some research you could be doing? Is there a network you could be building to get you closer to your dream? Is there different options you can take to start feeling your way around this dream? IS THERE SOMETHING YOU COULD DO TODAY TO MOVE YOU ONE STEP CLOSER...