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Showing posts from April, 2020

Creating great daily routines.

Starting the day with an intention is so powerful.  What is it you would like to achieve today? Today I saw the sun coming up from behind the trees, I can hear the birds singing.  It automatically inspired me to dream big today. What would inspire you to dream big today?  If you were someone who would write a daily intention, what would you write? I love to start the day with journaling.  Writing down my thoughts, what am I happy about, what things can I be grateful for, what could I achieve today if I put my mind to it.   Journaling helps me start my day with gratitude and then serious intention of what I want to achieve in the day.  If you are thinking about moving yourself forward in a goal today, what could be your first step? You deserve the best, you deserve your dream lifestyle. What could you do today to intentionally start to create that lifestyle?

Your lifestyle on your terms ...

What lifestyle would you create if money wasn't a worry for you? I invite you to just for one moment dare to dream what that might be like? Imagine yourself in the life style you would love to have, the lifestyle you deserve. What would that look like? What is stopping you? Dare to believe that you can create the lifestyle of your dreams.

What are you noticing today?

Nature is truly amazing.  Every day it does it's thing. Usually we don't even notice. What could you be noticing today that you haven't been noticing lately? Facebook Kim McNamara Life Success Coach

Every day is a new beginning

Yesterday we might have mucked up. Maybe things didn't go to plan. Every day the sun rises, regardless of how we feel in ourselves. Every day is a new beginning. We owe it to ourselves to start a fresh. Take our new learnings in to the new day. And try again.

Stunning like you

One of the most beautiful places I love to visit is Muriwai. It always amazes me how nature continues to be stunning, powerful and in control. Nature goes through cycles. Nature is ever changing but still remains beautiful. All of those attributes are in ourselves, whether we can see them or not. Just a thought for the day. Wishing you the best day.

What beauty can you see today?

The world is always full of beauty, what can you see today?

Staying resourceful in Covid 19

Covid 19 Stress Managements tips 2

Kim McNamara Life Coach Success Coach Email - Skype - kim.motv8n Phone/Text - 027 978 5970

Covid 19 Stress Managements tips 1

Kim McNamara Life Coach Success Coach Email - Skype - kim.motv8n Phone/Text - 027 978 5970