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Showing posts from March, 2018


This was my facebook post the other day and I was rather chuffed. Sometimes it doesn't take much to inspire someone, sometimes you are just on a slightly different level to them, something foreign to them might be normal to you. It takes nothing to share inspiration with others, and likewise, there are those around us who inspire ourselves. I definitely have a long list of people who inspire me. Everyone is on their own journey in life, but everyone wants to be moving forward towards better things, it is human nature. So have a think, who could you inspire today? Kim McNamara Life Coach Success Coach Email - Skype - kim.motv8n Phone/Text - 027 978 5970 Facebook Kim McNamara Life Success Coach Proudly supporting  FAZED-INN a program to teach and inspire those affected by Fetal Alcohol  Spectrum Disorder.

Dream Boards - Using the unconscious mind

Another stunning creation today. Dreamboards, making use of the unconscious mind to help you move forward with your dreams and goals. Kim McNamara Life Coach Success Coach Email - Skype - kim.motv8n Phone/Text - 027 978 5970 Facebook Kim McNamara Life Success Coach Proudly supporting  FAZED-INN a program to teach and inspire those affected by Fetal Alcohol  Spectrum Disorder.


FAZED INN is a passionate group of people who will be starting a training program for those who suffer from FASD (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder).  This is a totally preventable disorder that cannot exist unless a mother drinks while she is pregnant. The implications of drinking and the child carrying this disorder are for life, it can not be fixed. The brain is damaged, it is irreversible.  Between this passionate group, there are many years of experience working with these children trying to help them learn new strategies and skills, things that happen naturally for other children. Please spread the word and follow this incredible journey to help those who didn't have a choice.

NLP and Hypnotherapy helps PTSD

I love my work and how hypnotherapy and NLP help people to get over PTSD ( Post Traumatic Distress Disorder). From a client... I have PTSD. I hate the movement of cars and aeroplanes. I also have anxiety. Hypnosis has worked for me as it has given me the tools to calm myself down and relax in times of stress and when I'm feeling anxious and/or help myself feel safe and escape into another place when on an aeroplane. Since having the hypnosis I have found it a lot easier to control my mind and relax in times I'm feeling anxious, rather than my mind controlling me and freaking out. Kim McNamara Life Coach Success Coach Email - Skype - kim.motv8n Phone/Text - 027 978 5970 Facebook Kim McNamara Life Success Coach   Proudly supporting  FAZED-INN a program to teach and inspire those affected by Fetal Alcohol  Spectrum Disorder.

Trauma and moving on

Trauma can happen to any of us at any time. Trauma is the result of an extremely distressing event happening to us or around us. The same trauma can happen to different people and there can be very different responses. Trauma can be one event, or it can be ongoing events. As trauma is caused by a very distressing event, the memories coded from that event are fully represented through all our senses.  Some senses will remember that trauma more than others. Trauma has a way of being triggered. you may feel that you have got over a traumatic event that has happened, but a certain sound, smell, something you see, something you feel, can trigger that traumatic event like it was just happening. When events happen to us in life, there are usually learnings we take away, things we know we will do, or we won't do, sometimes we find a lesson in the learning, sometimes we have just been caught up in a terrible event. If we learn to manage our traumatic experience, we can then use ...

Mentoring with Romina Lelo from Lelo and Stitch

Every six months I choose a new person to work with who wants to set up their own business. The criteria for mentoring them is that they need to be passionate about their new business venture. Part of my business is to always give back to the community. One of those things was giving away a swimming pass for a child to learn swimming. Romina was nominated many times to receive this by many different people and won, so we set up a date to meet. When you first met Romina you can see she is passionate about life, she has a zest for life and wants to make a difference. As we chatted over coffee, Romina told me about her life and it was quite a story.  She is a survivor of brain surgery, had to learn to walk, eat and write again at 14 years old. While most kids are out enjoying the best years of their life, Romina had to face this horrendous journey. As she speaks she is quietly a huge survivor. Life went on and Romina married her soul mate and has two beautiful ch...