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Showing posts from December, 2016

The festive season is here..

Well, the festive season has arrived. The shops are getting busier, people are more in a hurry, the roads are getting busier and life, in general, seems to be speeding up. A key to not letting things get on top of you is preparation and communication. What could you put in place now, so the next few weeks are easier? Can someone help you out with anything you need to be done? Plan and budget presents to stop overspending. Try not to leave things until the last minute, because it just gets frantic all round. Be realistic with your expectations of what you are wanting to achieve. Make sure you make time for what is important to you. Is there a neighbour or elderly person around you that could do with a visit? We tend to run on a roller coaster at this time of year, so maybe stop, and get off, and make a plan. What is important to you and what do you want to spend your time doing? Have fun over the festive season, and take care. Looking forward to...