The sun is shining where I am today, and it definitely puts a spring in your step. For us here in NZ it is springtime, time of new growth. This can be a great metaphor for us as well, the winter months have passed and now the sun is out and it is time to get out and enjoy the weather and think about what we would like to be doing next.
So what is it you would love to be doing in the next few weeks or months?
What plan could you put in place today?
What is the one thing you could do today to move forward towards that plan?
What is stopping you? how can you get around it?
Is there someone you know in your circle of friends or in the community that could give you some tips if so, contact them.
Today is the day to make the first step towards what you consciously want to have happening in the next few weeks and months.
I encourage you to start today, you may not have all the answers today, but as you go through the steps to achieving your goal, it will probably all become clearer how you will be able to carry on.
One thing to always check is if your goals are in line with your values system. Have a listen to the youtube clip below.
Kim McNamara Life Coach Success Coach
Email -
Skype - kim.motv8n
Phone/Text - 027 978 5970
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a program to teach and inspire those affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.