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Showing posts from December, 2021

Manifest. Abundance. Future pacing

 Manifesting. Abundance. Future pacing. Although we can't always see into the future, we can place ourselves in the future in our thoughts. When you think of something you would love to achieve, imagine you have already achieved it and run that feeling through your senses. What would that look like? What expression would be on your face? Who would you be talking to? What would your family/ or friends say? What would you see in that vision? What would you hear? How would you feel? How would that change your life? Future pacing is incredible as it allows us to make decisions also, it allows us to go through a process in our minds before an event happens, and it allows us to see if that might have a good outcome, or not, and how that outcome would feel. It also is great to see you achieving your dream and goal and the feeling that that would feel like, and you can then hook into that many times to keep you motivated. And you can notch it up even more, and record yourself on your phone...

Manifest. Abundance. Vision Boards

Manifesting. Abundance. Vision Boards. Making vision boards are so much fun.  Allowing ourselves to dream, with out boundaries, allows us to open up our creativity. Once we take the boundaries away, our creativity opens up and we allow ourselves to dream big. It is not our job to worry how we manifest what is on our dream board.  It is just our job to believe that it can become a reality. When making a dream board, make it on cardboard or a book that is pleasing to the eye, something you will love to look at. Cut out pictures of what you would love to experience, or own, or achieve. Once we find those beautiful pictures, we can pop them on our dream board, or a vision book. Maybe google pictures, or type up sayings, or find memes that resonate, and use photos of those close to you.  Before you know it you have a stunning piece of your forward vision of your life. Pop it somewhere where you will see it often, you might not look consciously at it everyday but your unconscio...

Manifest. Abundance. Meditation

 Manifesting. Abundance and Meditation As we go through our busy days, how do we ever get back to our creative self? With a minefield of chores to do in a day, how do we ever how time to relax, really relax. Year after year of working hard, we tend to run on automatic pilot like a hamster on a hamsters wheel, when do we have time to stop? And if we don't stop and recalibrate and rest, how do we expect our bodies to keep going? Our bodies keep count of how we thrash them, use them, over work them, ignore the signals to stop and rest.  Our body gets tired and then starts to create illness.  The patterns continue and then we can get used to living in dis-ease.  All the while our bodies and mind are simply needing a rest. Meditation is a way to allow your body to rest. People often say to me  *I don't have time for that, if your health packs up the first thing you make is time to fix the problem, we can be pro-active. *I cant relax, I need to be doing something, tha...

Manifest. Abundance. Connection

 Manifesting. Abundance. Connections. One thing all of us need is connections. We need connections to feel safe, to grow, to love  and to feel connected to someone or something else. One of my beliefs is that if we can always give someone 5 minutes of your time. In that 5 minutes of genuinely giving someone your time and attention, connections can be made.  The secret to this strategy is to have good boundaries so that you don't become the person who has to listen to everyone's story over and over and it become draining on yourself.  Most people wouldn't be able to tell you the last time someone took a straight 5 minutes to listen and communicate without other distraction. Yet this form of communication is the most important. In that 5 minutes you could have unknowingly been someone's light house, someone could have been having the worst day ever, and your kindness of just listening, talking and being there 100% just for 5 minutes can change the protectory of their d...

Manifest. Abundance. Morning Rituals

How we start our day, tends to frame up our day. We can leave it all to chance and see how the day pans out with the mood we are in or ... We can become more deliberate in our actions. We have all probably had that day where we didn't get much sleep, we got up grumpy, we spilled our coffee, got to work late and on and on. What if our first thoughts were, here we go again, and at that point we switched it up. Gratitude is such an amazing way of switching up how we feel. If we waked up tired, we can feel robbed of sleep, grumpy, worried how we will get through the day. If we continue to project that negativity then we will attract it, and so our day will go on like that. If as soon as we notice those negative thoughts come in, like, I am so tired, and then flip that to, I am so grateful to have a bed and somewhere safe to sleep, we are activating the positivity. If we choose to look for negatives, we will also find them. If we choose to look for positive, we will also always find t...

Manifesting. Abundance. Comfort zones

  Manifesting. Abundance. Comfort zone A lot of the time we are our own worst enemy. We actually get in our own way. Our unconscious automatic beliefs that we run can keep us safe in our comfort zone. If we are happy doing what we are doing, then that is great, no need to do anything more, but if we feel like we are destined for more, there will come a time when we need to go outside our comfort zone. That comfort zone is so safe and secure. I know I lived in a small one for a long time. The secret to making it bigger, is merely testing yourself to go out by doing small things that you wouldn't normally do. Like any muscle, we don't just go full out and expect results that first day, but we do small activities everyday that end up making a huge difference. I know that once I had a belief that going outside my comfort zone was safe, I began to play a mental game with myself, where I would just challenge myself to stay outside my comfort zone for longer and it became fun. That fu...

Manifest. Abundance. Beliefs. Sabotage

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Manifest. Abundance. Curve Balls

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Manifest.Abundance. Energy

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