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Showing posts from 2014

Make your Christmas less Stressful

December is well and truly here, but don't stress. As we come to the end of the year it is a good time to reflect.  How has the year been for you?  What have you enjoyed in the year?  What could you do different next year?  Start thinking about some goals for next year.   What would you like to achieve in 2015? Christmas is nearly here and it tends to bring a lot of stress to many people.  There are many situations that can be stressful, but really it can come down to perception.  Keeping up with the Jones is not a great idea around Christmas.  Christmas and the festive holidays are really about enjoying family and friends company and enjoying good times with them.  That can't be measured by money or the size of a present.  A well thought out present doesn't need to cost the earth, and the thought really does count. Christmas isn't a time to put yourself in debt that will carry over to the next year.  All that will do is c...

Special Needs Children - Angels that walk the Earth

Over the years I have had a fair bit to do with children with special needs and their parents. The sheer love and determination from parents of special needs children, shines though, and parents learn ways to manage different problems they have to overcome. Years ago as a teenager I used to visit a friends brother in a residential care home for children. My first visit left me feeling sad and overwhelmed. Being a teenager and really thinking mostly about myself, I felt I had enough issues in my own life to deal with, growing up seemed hard enough at the time. So I choose not to go back and visit again.  Something inside me keep bugging me and months later I returned to the home and my visits become weekly Friday night visits.  My love for these children grew and grew to the point I gave up Happy Hour at work. Remember I was a teenager, happy hour in the middle of town on a Friday night was a ton of fun.  Something inside me gave my night away in order to visit ...

The Power of Positive People

Why is it some people can be positive no matter what, and some people can be negative no matter what. What makes us so different? What makes people who can seem like they are in a very similar situation react so differently? It is all about perception .  Just because we are a negative person doesnt mean we need to be a negative all of our lives, it means that if we want to change, we need to change our  mind set.  So what is a mind set? A mind set is the way our mind is set. It is an automatic response . Those who choose to be negative will choose a negative reaction to what ever is around them, likewise those who choose to be positive will have a positive reaction to what is incoming. Some would argue that it isnt a choice to be negative and that I dont understand their situation. All of us have things to deal with in our lives some pleasant and some are not. Our reaction to incoming stress is the key. Negativity breeds negativity. Normally n...

Turn Self Limiting Beliefs into Self Empowering Beliefs

BUST THOSE BELIEFS NOW AND UP-SKILL As we go through life we often pick up self limiting beliefs. Some will be from our upbringing and from other significant people around us. Some beliefs will come from  seeing things happening in the world around us and creating a mental belief that something is just not within our reach. We tend to take those beliefs on as being true and  they become rules in which we live our lives around. Often this can happen at an unconscious level. These beliefs can sit in our unconscious mind and help to rule our lives.  Unless challenged they become the rules to which we live by. On the other side of things, we also hold many positive beliefs, and those can also sit in our unconscious mind and again  make up rules that we run our life by.  The more positive beliefs you hold about yourself, the better your mental and physical well being . You will be...

The WOW Factor

Lets talk about the  WOW Factor . Have you ever noticed that some people just tend to have the whole package. There is  something  about them that people just love, and people  gravitate towards  them . So what is it? It is not based on looks, clothes, any personal accessory or material possessions. It is because they know the secret in life of  how to live by their true values .  People with the WOW factor, generally have a smile on their face, and they have an  inviting personality .  They have the personality that is interested in You.. and treats You like you are important.  These people share a  genuine interest  in the people they are around, and love to hear Your news.  They are not so caught up in themselves that You cannot get a word in edgeways. So how do they do it? It is very simple.   People with the  WOW factor are happy in life .  They are  internally happy  with...

A very warm welcome to You...

I am in the process of putting this website together to share many things that you may find interesting, and perhaps helpful to you. The site is in initial stages of construction, however my hope is it will develop quickly. Ultimately...    - You will find information about many of my Workshops on the Workshop Page    - There is a page dedicated to NLP , and a page explaining how Hypnotherapy can be helpful also.    - And there is a page dedicated to all those wonderful people I have come into contact with and have been so kind and appraising with their Testimonials . Thank you.    - I have also dedicated a page to Inspirational Quotes , where you can choose one that fits with you right now... and take it with you for the day, or week. These can be extremely empowering in motivating you towards Life Success I have also created a Contact Form, where you can provide any feedback, or perhaps would like to seek more...