Wednesday 24 July 2024

Mulitple Streams of Income

 Why Building Multiple Streams of Income is Essential for Your Business

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the concept of relying on a single source of income is becoming increasingly outdated. Whether you are launching a new venture, running an established business, or working as a life coach, diversifying your income streams can be the key to financial stability and growth. Here's why it's so crucial and how you can strategically implement it into your business model.

The Importance of Multiple Income Streams

Financial Security and StabilityHaving multiple streams of income ensures that you're not overly reliant on one source. If one income stream dries up, you'll have others to fall back on, thereby reducing the risk of financial instability.

Growth and Expansion Opportunities

Diversifying your income can open up new opportunities for growth. By exploring different markets and sectors, you can discover new revenue sources that complement your primary business.

Increased Profitability

With multiple streams of income, you can maximize your earning potential. Each new stream can add a layer of profitability, helping you reach your financial goals faster.

Risk ManagementIn business, risk is inevitable. 

Diversifying your income streams helps spread and manage this risk more effectively. If one area of your business faces challenges, other streams can help cushion the impact.

Steps to Diversify Your Income

Do Your Due Diligence

Before diving into a new venture, conduct thorough research. Understand the market demand for the service or product you plan to offer. Is there a need for it now? Does it solve a current problem?

Evaluate Viability

Assess whether the new stream of income aligns with your existing business model and goals. Will it require significant resources to launch and maintain? Is it sustainable in the long term?

Consider Affiliate Marketing

If affiliating with products, investigate the company's track record. A proven record of success can indicate reliability and trustworthiness. Be cautious with startups, as they may pose a higher risk due to their unproven market presence.

Explore Complementary Services

Look for services or products that naturally complement what you already offer. For instance, if you are a life coach, you might consider offering online courses, workshops, or e-books related to personal development.

An Exciting Time for Business

It's an exciting time to be in business, with countless opportunities to innovate and expand. However, it's essential to be savvy and strategic in how you diversify. By doing your due diligence, evaluating market demands, and carefully choosing your new income streams, you can set your business up for long-term success and resilience.

Ready to take your business to the next level? 

Explore my amazing training platform that has been the cornerstone of my success for the past four years. Click the link below to see how it can transform your business and help you build multiple streams of income!

The Pathway to Success

Stay motivated, stay focused, and watch your business thrive!

Friday 28 June 2024

The Digital Nomad - E-book

My latest e-book
The Digital Nomad
Click on the link to get your copy for a special price of $4.99

Friday 7 June 2024

You are one decision away from your dream life

  Have you ever thought I don't fit in the mainstream box?

πŸ”˜ Have you ever thought I need to take more care of my health and my family's health?

πŸ”˜ Have you ever thought that I can't keep on doing what I am doing... it is not sustainable, or maybe you don't want to keep doing what you are doing?

πŸ”˜ Have you ever thought that there must be another way?

πŸ”˜ Are you the one who thinks outside the box but not sure how to follow through on that?

πŸ”˜ Have you ever thought, does anyone else think like me, and if so where are they?

πŸ”˜ Have you ever thought you want to be part of this new way of doing business in the online space?

πŸ”˜ Have you ever thought that you will only ever have a career in doing something that aligns with your values?

πŸ”˜ Do you feel that some of the day-to-day work stuff you do grinds you, but you think you need to do it?

Ticked any of those boxes? 

So when is the right time to try something new? πŸ€”

Maybe this resonates?

Maybe it's time to embrace change and pursue paths aligned with our true selves and aspirations. If we are doing something we value, love and are passionate about it, it never feels like work.

I felt all of the above, like a boat trying to travel to new places with an anchor dragging behind.  It wasn't until I stepped into the online business I am in, that all of the above made sense and came into a syncronicity, a huge alignment of values, passion and dreams.

I would love to share a webinar that I watched when I was searching for something new, some different, something that aligned with myself and my family.

Message me and I am happy to send you a link to the webinar that explains everything about creating a business from scratch, using your socials as a platform, being authenically yourself and aligning with a community that is like no other I have ever come across.

Message me for an no obligation peak ...

Friday 31 May 2024


Let's talk about mindset. ✨ It's the silent force that can either propel us towards our dreams or hold us back from reaching our full potential. Our mindset shapes not only our thoughts but also the energy we emit into the world. And here's the thing—energy matters. It can be the deciding factor in whether opportunities knock on our door or pass us by. πŸ’«

Think about it: Have you ever noticed how your mood affects the way people respond to you? It's all connected! The energy we carry influences how others perceive us and whether they're drawn to engage with us. So, nurturing a positive mindset isn't just about personal growth—it's about opening doors to endless possibilities. 

Now, let's be real. Life throws curveballs at all of us. We juggle a million things at once, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But amidst the chaos, prioritising our mental fortitude is crucial. 

Taking time to heal, to clear the clutter from our minds, gives us the space and capacity to embrace the things we love wholeheartedly. It's about creating room for growth, for joy, for seizing every opportunity that comes our way. πŸŒ±πŸ’–

So let's cultivate a mindset that empowers us to chase our dreams fearlessly. Let's radiate positive energy that attracts abundance into our lives. And let's remember that healing and growth go hand in hand, guiding us towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. ✨

Success is a birthright, call in those dreams, they are yours ...

and if you need a vehicle to help you get there, message me ...

Friday 10 May 2024

Navigating Life's Crossroads

 πŸŒŸ Navigating Life's Crossroads 🌟

Life often presents us with crossroads, moments where we know something needs to change, but we feel overwhelmed and unsure of the next step. It's hard to see the wood for the trees, and I've been there more times than I can count.

Looking back, I remember the missed opportunities, the nudges from the universe that I ignored. But I also remember the turning point when I asked myself, "What have I got to lose?" That shift in perspective opened up a world of possibilities.

I've learned that aligning my goals with my top five values is key. When we achieve goals that resonate with our core values, life feels effortless, and everything flows. Conversely, pursuing goals that conflict with our values can lead to bittersweet success.

The people we surround ourselves with have the biggest impact on our journey. If your circle is negative, filled with gossip and criticism, that energy will permeate your life. But if your circle is supportive, cheering you on, and believing in your potential, you'll find yourself soaring to new heights. It's a win-win, where life becomes fun, and everything flows with ease.

If you're in business or thinking about starting one and need a supportive platform to elevate to the next level, message me. I'd love to share insights and help you pave the way towards your dreams. Today could be the day that changes everything. 🌟

Let's embrace the journey, change our perspective, and walk the path towards our dreams together. πŸ’«

Friday 19 April 2024

Self care & Gratitude

  Ladies, let's talk SELF-CARE! 🌟

We all know that we can't pour from an empty glass, right? That's why taking time for self-care is absolutely crucial. It's not just about pampering ourselves (though that’s always a plus!), it's about building resilience and being the best version of ourselves. πŸ’–

Here are 5 simple ways to weave self-care into our daily lives:

Start Your Day with Gratitude 🌞✨

Begin each morning by jotting down three things you're grateful for. This sets a positive tone for the day and helps us appreciate the little joys.

Move Your Body πŸƒ‍♀️🧘‍♀️

Whether it's a brisk walk, a dance session, or some gentle yoga, physical activity boosts our mood and energy levels. Find something you love and make it a regular part of your routine.

Nourish Your Body πŸ‡πŸ₯—

Eating well is a form of self-respect. Choose nutritious, delicious foods that make you feel good from the inside out. Don’t forget to hydrate!

Take Time to Unwind πŸ›€πŸ“š

Set aside at least 15 minutes each day to do something that relaxes you. It could be reading, taking a bath, meditating, or simply enjoying a quiet moment with a cup of tea.

Connect with Loved Ones πŸ’•πŸ‘―‍♀️

Spending time with friends and family or even having a heart-to-heart chat can be incredibly uplifting. Social connections are a vital part of our emotional well-being.

Remember, self-care isn't selfish—it's essential! Let's fill our glasses to the brim and overflow with strength, joy, and resilience. πŸŒΈπŸ’–

Friday 5 April 2024

Trauma attaches to your time line

 Tonight I am teaching my international course on Trauma. 

Sometimes people ask why I do that?

So the course is two fold, it is for coaches wanting to learn more about dealing with trauma and boundaries when helping people and then also it is for those wanting to better understand trauma for themselves.

Unresolved trauma sitting on a timeline really can stop a person living their best life.

Success is for all of us, it is a birthright, so helping people move through trauma and teaching others how to help within their scope has become quite a passion of mine.

Also connecting with amazing people from all over the world is the amazing feeling.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Burn out - It is a real thing

 Ladies, Let's Overcome Burnout Together! 

Hey beautiful souls! πŸ’–

If you're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, know that you're not alone. Many of us have been there, and there's light at the end of the tunnel! Here are some tips to help you overcome burnout and reclaim your energy and joy:

Prioritise Self-Care 🌿: Make time for YOU. Whether it's a relaxing bath, a walk in nature, or reading a good book, doing something just for yourself can work wonders.

Set Boundaries 🚧: Learn to say "no" without feeling guilty. Protect your time and energy by setting clear boundaries at work and in your personal life.

Reconnect with Your Passions 🎨: Rediscover what lights you up! Engage in hobbies or activities that make you feel alive and inspired.

Seek Support 🀝: Talk to friends, family, or a coach who understands what you're going through. Sometimes, just sharing your feelings can lighten the load.

Practice Mindfulness 🧘‍♀️: Take a few minutes each day to meditate, breathe deeply, or simply be present. Mindfulness can help reduce stress and bring clarity to your mind.

Take Breaks ⏸️: Remember, it's okay to step back and rest. Taking regular breaks can actually increase your productivity and creativity.

Nourish Your Body πŸ₯—: Eat healthy, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep. Your body needs fuel and rest to function at its best.

Celebrate Small Wins πŸŽ‰: Every step forward, no matter how small, is progress. Celebrate your achievements and be kind to yourself.

Remember, you're powerful, resilient, and deserving of a balanced and joyful life. Let's support each other on this journey to wellness and success! ✨

Please feel free to share x

Check out my Stan Store for your free resource

Thursday 29 February 2024

Free Masterclass - a few spaces left. Create your online business with Affiliate Marketing

Embrace Your Dreams, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone! 

 Are you ready to take a leap of faith and pursue your dreams? Today, I want to talk about the incredible benefits of following your dreams and daring to step out of your comfort zone.

 Mentally, following your dreams is a game-changer. It ignites a sense of purpose and passion that propels you forward, even in the face of challenges. When you chase your dreams, you cultivate resilience, creativity, and a growth mindset that can transform your life.

Physically, the pursuit of your dreams can have remarkable effects on your well-being. It pushes you to embrace new experiences, stay active, and take care of your body. Whether it's traveling to new places, starting a business, or pursuing a hobby, following your dreams keeps you engaged and energized.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is where the magic happens. It's where you discover your true potential and unleash your inner greatness. Sure, it might feel scary at first, but trust me, the rewards are beyond worth it.

So, I encourage you all to dare to dream big and take that leap of faith. Your future self will thank you for it! 

Join our complimentary Masterclass where you can see how you can create your dream life.

Make it Rain Complimentary Webinar

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Complimentary Webinar - Make it Rain - claim your place now 1.6K already registered

Exciting Announcement! 

Are you ready to ignite your passion and unleash your potential? 

 Because I've got some electrifying news to share with you all!

Let me take you back to a time when I was on the hunt for a community that radiated positivity, celebrated each other's successes, and held firm to ethical values.  

I yearned to break free from the daily grind of working on someone else's dreams, missing out on my own.  But I'll admit, I wasn't sure if such a community existed.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon a post advertising a webinar. Curious and hopeful, I signed up, not expecting much.

Little did I know, that decision would be the catalyst for a profound transformation. The moment I entered the webinar, I was greeted by a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, each radiating energy and enthusiasm! Work became an exhilarating journey, and making money turned into a thrilling adventure! 

But here's the kicker – alongside the practical training, there was a strong emphasis on personal growth, propelling me to heights I never thought possible. 

And guess what? You're not alone in your curiosity! Over 1.6k people have already registered for this complimentary webinar, "Make it Rain", they are ready to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and success. 

So here's my gift to you: complimentary access to this life-changing webinar. Because if we want to see change in our lives, we must be willing to embrace new opportunities and take that leap of faith.  Don't let another year pass you by while others seize the day and live their best lives.

Join us on this extraordinary adventure by clicking on the link below  Together, let's make it rain with positivity, passion, and boundless possibilities! 

Access now, click on the link below

Make it Rain Webinar

Monday 8 January 2024

2024 - Create your dream life

Happy new year and welcome to 2024.

However you rolled up to the new year doesn't define in any way how it could pan out.

I have created a complimentary PDF that you can download that might just help you solidfy a personalised plan for your own success in 2024.

Download here ... enjoy