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Showing posts from May, 2015


Have you ever thought about the baggage you are carrying around.  Some people are really good at having a great perspective on life events and then some of us struggle letting some things go.                                                                                                                                                                       If something is taking our attention, then it is worth seeing whether it is a positive or a negative.  Imagine you have a a number of bags in front of you. The bags represented the main things that tend ...

Belief and Passion

What is it you love to do?  What is that one thing that you can spend forever on and it not bore you? If you had all the time, money, resources and connections, what would you be doing?   These are excellent questions to ask yourself when you are trying to find out your passion in life. When something excites us a lot, we excel in it and we can never spend too much time doing it. So what is your passion? When you find your passion, you don't mind spending hours doing research or putting your time to it. For the sake of your heart and soul it is well  worth booking in a time slot to allow yourself to follow what you love. Sometimes we have do to research, like I did with my Life Coaching.  A great skill is to learn to put yourself out there , and ask people that are doing the same thing.  Never be afraid to ask questions of someone who has mastered a skill that you would like to have.  They might have some great advice and might be able to tell you...