Have you ever thought about the baggage you are carrying around. Some people are really good at having a great perspective on life events and then some of us struggle letting some things go.
If something is taking our attention, then it is worth seeing whether it is a positive or a negative.
Imagine you have a a number of bags in front of you.
The bags represented the main things that tend to bug people, Family, Work, Friends, Health and Money.It is a worth while exercise to think about the things that bother you. You might come up with other things as baggage as well,
Make a list of your baggage, write them down and think about how much they bug you. Think about ways you can move yourself forward on any baggage you are carrying.
Make a plan, how can you improve on your current situation? What are practical steps you can do to make yourself move forward with your situation? Is it a situation you cannot change? do you need to have acceptance? Whatever the answer, it is worth spending some time and seeing if you can you lessen the baggage you are carrying around.
Your mind and body will thank you for it.
Kim McNamara
Email - kim.motv8ncoach@gmail.com
Skype - kim.motv8n
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