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2016 Make it YOUR year

Well 2016 is well and truly here.

How has it been so far?

Some of those New Years Resolutions might have already gone out the door, or maybe not even started.

How do we engage ourselves into our goals and dreams and make them become reality?

Often we can have ideas of things we want to do and we carry them with us for many years.  What we forgot to do sometimes is update the goal list.  A goal that you set years ago might not even be that relevant now, but for whatever reason we carry it with us as something we need to do.

Goals and Dreams always need to be inline with our values.  Our values are our CORE, what makes up our SOUL, what we live for, what we live by.

Effective goal setting always needs to have that first key of being inline with values.  If we are caught up with keeping up with the Jones and keeping up with the "in group" , we can often work hard, achieve things and they become bitter sweet on completion with success feelings not being that satisfying.

A great thing to do after checking in with your values, is create a Dream Board.  Our family have done these for many years, and I have run workshops on Dream Boards. They are fun and very effective for ALL AGES.

The idea of a Dream Board is to think about what you would like to achieve in life, big stuff, small stuff, stuff you think you might never be able to achieve.  If it interests you, it is important.  Find some magazines, books, brochures, internet info etc and cut out the pictures around your dreams that you like. Find words or print words that have meaning to you.  Make sure all of it is POSITIVE. Arrange them on a big piece of cardboard/ paper. Stick them on your Dream Board and pop that Dream Board up somewhere were you are going to see it often.

The mind is very, very clever.  Our conscious mind is busy helping us out with our tasks that we need to be thinking about, and our unconscious mind has a whole load of other processes going on. One of which is being aware of your dream board every time you see it, even if you haven't really consciously noticed you are looking.  Its the same thing as putting pictures of goals and dreams on the fridge. We visit the fridge many times a day, we glance at the picture, not really thinking about it too much as we are going to the fridge.  Meantime your unconscious mind is noticing and reconfirming over and over that this is important.  The power of positive reinforcement.

So have a think, and have some fun, Maybe you might like to create your own dream board, maybe you might like to create a family one.  Kids love this stuff.  Be mindful not to put your dreams and input into others dream boards, as we all hold our own values, beliefs, visions and dreams.


Check out our new website

Kim McNamara

"Life Coaching"
"Success Coaching"
"Motivation to Succeed Coaching"

"MOTV8N to Succeed"

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Skype - kim.motv8n


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