It is lovely to have had some nice weather.
The weather sure can have an impact on how we are feeling.
The nice weather generally makes us feel like we want to get
out and about and do things.
Whether it be around our home or out and about
visiting people and places.
Nature can offer one of the best stress releases. To be
able to STOP and look around, smell the aromas where we are, hear those
noises that nature gives us. The smell of flower, the beauty of the nature
around us, the sounds that nature gives us, the buzzing bee, the crashing of
the waves on the beach.
Another wonderful stress release is called grounding, that
is taking off your shoes and walking barefoot on the earth. This can be a
wonderful sensation and can provide stress release. Grounding or earthling has been around for
centuries. We tend to put shoes on if the ground is wet, but to walk barefoot
on the morning dew, or the grass that has been rained on, can help connect us
back to the earth.
Most of us tend to think things in our life are stressful, and
there are many fly by night potions and pills that can be sold to us to help us
feel at peace. Getting back to nature,
and enjoying nature, stopping and slowing down, to notice how wonderful the
world is and how while we are so busy, the grass is still growing, the clouds
are still moving, the tide is going in and out.
Nature does this all effortlessly while sometimes we just get too busy to
Kim and Team
Phone/Text 027 978 5970
Phone/Text 027 978 5970
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