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Don't settle for building someone else's dream

 In my 50’s and feeling lost and ripped off as I gave my time to contracts and work commitments that I really didn’t want to do. The reality of when the world locked down a few years ago hit me and it made me realise I need to think outside the box. We had always worked hard and I didn’t want to lose what we had achieved.

I also had a passion to spend time with family and friends when I wanted to, to say yes I am coming to that lunch, or that appointment or that important event, and I wanted to do that without having to juggle work commitments.

The thing is I had already been interested in building an online business, but had no confidence. It seemed that that was for the young ones. I wanted to shift and become flexible and work online but my belief systems simply kept telling me that I was too old, didn’t have the right skill set and that my brain wouldn’t be able to learn enough, be quick enough to run an online business.

One day, whilst we were in lockdown, I just decided something had to change. I had noticed several people I know posting about opportunities online and somehow it just resonated with me, if felt like the right time.  I thought it is now or never, either try something new or stay wishing you had.

So, I made a decision to jump in and at least try,  

What I found was that it wasn't as hard as I thought. In fact, my belief system had done a fantastic job at telling me I wouldn’t manage. The reality was that I had taken a leap of faith and jumped into the online space, I met the most amazing people. You know how you get drawn to those people who have a beautiful uplifting energy and usually they are far and few between?  I had jumped into a space that was full of those people.  Immediately my energy went up.  I knew nothing about affiliate marketing either, I had always heard those things are scams so stayed away, even though I knew really sound, good people doing that business.  What I learned was that the world is forever shifting and so is the way we do business.  I found the most amazing product to affiliate with, one that has a super amazing compensation plan but you know the big one for me, being in my 50’s and all, was the ability to have legacy income.  Outstanding, something I didn’t even know existed.

That confidence that I didn’t have just grew and grew.  The community that I had found that aligned with the business was next level.  A community that loved to see you succeed and celebrated you and all your successes.  No one is going up against any one else. Everyone in their own lane doing their own thing in business that supports their own values and dreams.

I thought I had landed on another planet!!  

From the person and thoughts I was around online businesses, it didn’t take long to flourish, to leave behind all those beliefs behind affiliate marketing and embrace it wholeheartedly, in fact I shout this business from the rooftops now.  I am proudly in my 50’s and a professional affiliate marketer. I align with a business that fits my values, fantastic for my health and my family, it is a sustainable product and great for the planet.  I worry about the planet that we are leaving to our kids and grandkids and this makes me feel like I am doing a great thing.

I have gone from grabbing contracts and work that didn’t always align to a thriving affiliate marketer. Thanks to the academy and mentors that runs alongside the business offer, I am super confident in the online space, I don’t always get the technology right, but my mindset has shifted and I welcome all the new technology, it is there to help us!!

But mostly the community I am in, rather than being excited to see that one person who lights up the room, I am in a huge community where everyone is learning, evolving and shining bright. Everyone helps everyone succeed.  It is so refreshing.

And you know what … this 55 year old with no confidence in the online space or affiliate marketing, is now a pro at both.  I now help others create the same thing, I lend them my belief and confidence as they can do the same. I go to all the important dates, I don’t miss anything, as I work my hours around me. I am my own boss, the CEO in my own company. I plan my days. I work hard but I created the time freedom I desired. Life is for living and I am not wasting a minute of it.

If I can do it, so can you, 50’s is the new 30’s.

Are you ready to create your own time freedom? Are you wanting to become the CEO in your life? Are you looking forward to leaving the best legacy ever for your kids and grandkids?


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