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Turn Self Limiting Beliefs into Self Empowering Beliefs


As we go through life we often pick up self limiting beliefs. Some will be from our upbringing and from other significant people around us.
Some beliefs will come from seeing things happening in the world around us and creating a mental belief that something is just not within our reach. We tend to take those beliefs on as being true and they become rules in which we live our lives around.

Often this can happen at an unconscious level. These beliefs can sit in our unconscious mind and help to rule our lives. Unless challenged they become the rules to which we live by. On the other side of things, we also hold many positive beliefs, and those can also sit in our unconscious mind and again make up rules that we run our life by. 

The more positive beliefs you hold about yourself, the better your mental and physical well being. You will be happy to take on challenges and you will hold a belief that you can succeed in most things. You will feel happy to go outside your comfort zone, you will feel happy in your own skin. You will begin to attain the Wow Factor.

If you hold a lot of negative beliefs about yourself, you often rob yourself of happiness. You rob yourself of opportunities, as it seems easier not to try, than to try and fail. Failure is only feedback.

One easy way to up the self esteem is to up-skill. What is it you are passionate about? What would you love to be doing that you are not already doing? Make the first move by doing some research.
I know myself, having had a rough ride into motherhood, that when my third child was born I didn't have too many positive beliefs in getting back out there in the world. I felt like technology had left me behind, because I was no longer in the workplace environment. I felt like I was out of the loop on a lot of things.
A huge choice that I made at that time was to join the local kindergarten committee, doesn't sound too big, but to me it was mammoth.  It got me back into doing some normal stuff with adults. Shortly afterwards, I took on the role of doing all the kindergarten grant applications. After a fair bit of research and a will to succeed, I secured more than $60,000 for the kindergarten.

Can you imagine how that made me feel?

Then I took on a role on the Board of Trustees. I didnt know anything about how a school ran, so I took a course through Open Polytech on School Trusteeship and learnt what I didn't know. These little milestones started a change in my belief system that I could do this. 
A year later I decided to become a Life Success Coach, thinking I didn't have a show really. I got smart one day and by the power of email, emailed one of NZ's top coaches and asked for her help. I thought she wouldn't bother replying, quite the opposite, the following day I was having coffee with her discussing my career.
Then I decided to buy my MOTV8N number plate and that I would one day start a motivation business. We were on one income with three kids; we could not really afford a number plate, so I had to pay it off. By this time I had an unshakeable vision.

The only thing that had changed was my beliefs about myself.

Life can throw us some real big curve balls, you have got to take the hit, see the positive, and move on.
I have come from a person who was scared to join a kindergarten committee to creating a dream for myself that I can live by with my family. Today I am an International Life Success Coach, coaching through conference calls around the world.
I mentor new Life Coaches coming through, I have tutored for many years at night school to adults, I have run goal setting workshops through entire schools.  I have been around the country and spoken in front of groups of professionals. All of a sudden there were some pretty important names coming in my inbox. I  have written in magazines and newspapers for the past ten years. What changed in me – My belief system.

If I can do this, so can you.

Find your passion and settle for nothing less. Everyday work towards that goal. Upskill,Upskill, Upskill, what is it you need to know? If you don't know where to start, do research. Someone out there in the world will be doing something that you are passionate about. Google them, email them, meet with them. Put yourself out there so people know what you are wanting to achieve. Lose the negative people who want to put you down.
And you will come across many. Don't listen. Join the positive group that will support you.

Like attracts like, negative attracts negative, and positive attracts positive.
Choose the positive group and make a difference.  START TODAY ...

Have a wonderful, inspirational day

Kim McNamara


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