This month I am going to talk about balance.
I think we would all agree that it is a crazy world out there. We have every time saving device, we need yet we are still running from one thing to the next. The thought of achieving any sort of balance right now might seem out of reach.
There are only so many hours in a day, so how we structure our day is very important. Hopefully we have a good night's sleep and eaten a good nutritious breakfast. A good idea is to write a list on things you need to get done and prioritise them. You may need to be disciplined and ignore phone calls and emails for a while and focus on the tasks at hand. Whether we go off to work, work from home, or are a parent at home, the better our day is structured, the better it will run. Make a point of stopping for breaks during the day and eating lunch.
Research shows we are far more productive if we actually take a break. Not stopping for breaks gives us the feeling of things going on and on and never getting a break. We get left with the feeling of never getting away from things. Day after day, week after week, this can take a mental toll on us. Remember to plan some exercise into your day. Exercise is a great stress release. The more exercise we do, the fitter we become, the more energy we have, the more oxygen gets fed to your brain, which ultimately lets your think more clearly.
A hobby that you enjoy is a great mental "down time". Remember to plan time with family and friends as these people help us recharge our batteries. The key to balance is effective time management.
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